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(FFM, nc, bi, mc)Ī Bad African Experience - by Savvas - June and Ray accept a two year contract in Nigeria with great anticipation and excitement, but end up regretting their decision.

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(MF, nc, blkmail, intr)Ī Bad New Year For Emily - by Talltall - A popular girl from a cross town rival school is raped at a New Years Eve Party. (MF-teens, nc, rp)Ī Bad Reaction - by Vulgus - A young single mother and her young teenage daughter are victimized by mom's parole officer after she is wrongly convited of a crime. (M+/Ff-teen, m+/f-teens, nc, blkmail)Ībby's 'Birth' Day Party - by dale10 - Abby is having a baby.

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And the guys are throwing a special party for the event. (MMg, ped, nc, rp, v, ws, bd, tor)Ībby's Nightmare - by Obmuj - The bride to be is kidnapped by a past boyfriend and his pal, who lives next door to bride-to-be Abby. (MMF, nc, rp, sn)Ībby's Profession - by MercySlayer - Abby hated the night shift. She worked hard to become a police officer and because she was just a rookie, generally worked nights.

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